After a long sprawled out and restful night, we woke up this morning to the same smiling face we get to see every morning. Which is a good thing because this could never become old to us ;) After Daddy got ready and headed out to work, Mommy and Tripp Bug set out for another adventurous day in 'The Hager House'!
Like His Daddy ;)
We started our day by having a bottle and watching some Cat in the Hat and then of course we had to watch Super Readers. (Tripp loves that show)! After a few cartoons and some breakfast our next step was to head to little man's room so we could pull out every toy we could possibly find and then move on to the next room because he decided he wanted to explore :) (Which I didn't mind so much since I got the house cleaned yesterday, why not mess it up today, lol). We then moved on to the living room where Mommy folded some clothes while little man went after everything he is not supposed to have. This would include the entertainment center, the curtains, the computer and the baby monitor that he wants to chew on for some reason (I even moved the thing and he still seemed to find it). So after attacking Mommy several times and standing up by pulling on Mommy's shirt and whining for about 10 minutes, Tripp had a bottle and took a good nap! I took this opportunity to get a few things done, because we know that once Little Man is up and going again we can forget cleaning!
After finishing a few things, I go back to little bug's room to check on him and he is sitting in his crib staring at me like...ok Mom you gonna get me out or what?!?
Cutie Pie
Haha..So out of the crib he came and the adventures continued. Tripp had his apples for lunch which obviously must have been oh so yummy cause he would not quit smiling from the moment I gave him his first bite :)
Him Loves to Eat
And once the Apples were all gone it was swing time to watch some Mickey Mouse! Which did not last to long because he was ready to explore again :) By 1:30 Tripp had his own lap top to type, climb on, drool on, or do whatever he pleased with. (I had my old lap top from college in the closet and it no longer works). Needless to say it kept him entertained for only a small while. :) I thought the rubber ducky may have been his favorite toy of the day, but I came to discover in the end that his favorite thing of the day would definitely have had to been pulling his Mommy's hair and laughing about it all at the same time! So as you have read this was just a lazy day in the hager house, not sure how much laziness went on exactly though, because I'm pretty sure I spent the whole day playing with and chasing down a little turkey who I like to call Little Bug!
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